Dorota Fryźlewicz-Buchman
Partner / Attorney
Co-founder and partner at Szot Bieniek Buchman Szot Adwokaci. Advocate entered into the register of attorneys kept by District Bar Council in Kraków.
She specializes in compensation processes for road accidents and medical errors. She has extensive experience in the scope of real estate law, labour law and commercial company law. In her practice she focuses on the law of obligations, commercial companies’ law and corporate consulting. She takes care of legal security of her Clients in commercial transactions. She also has experience in providing services to local self-government units and organizational units of National Forests. Comprehensive experience gained while conducting numerous court proceedings allows her to provide comprehensive legal advice to economic entities from various sectors of the market.
She is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Jagiellonian University in the field of law and post-graduate studies in the field of labour law. She speaks English.
After hours, she is passionate about physical activity (she plays tennis and volleyball), traveling and mountain hiking, dark thriller books, salsa and Georgian wine.