Magdalena Szot
Partner / Attorney
Co-founder and partner at Szot Bieniek Buchman Szot Adwokaci. Advocate entered into the register of attorneys kept by District Bar Council in Kraków.
Due to many years of professional practice, she has extensive experience in providing service to individuals, commercial companies and local self-government units. She specializes in civil and commercial disputes. She also has many years of experience in representing Clients in criminal proceedings. The scope of her practice also includes on-going consultancy in matters related to broadly understood bankruptcy law, including consumer bankruptcy, family and custody law and representation in court disputes in similar cases. She advises Clients in the scope of public procurement law and matters concerning establishing legal status of real estates, including cases regarding inheritance and acquisitive prescription.
She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Rzeszów. She speaks English.
She spends his free time reading crime stories, traveling and doing sports, in particular playing tennis. She loves Mediterranean cuisine.